Friday, September 22, 2006

Sun accepted the annoying BeanInfo lookup in XMLEncoder as a bug, vote for it!


As I described it here, XMLEncoder is giving too much pain when marshalling javabeans in unsigned applets. I've built up a workaround framework, but still, a few BeanInfo meta classes gets looked up on the server (while they don't even exist, so it's only freezing the network and loading the server). Also I can't tell if my framework really scale to any application and if there is no side effect. If there are they would be hard to debug in such a marshalling context.

We should just be able to disable that codebase lookup. Lots of problems with applets indeed come from the code base lookup, among them: problem with ResourceBundle, Services lookup, XMLEncoder, XMLDecoder (less annoying as the workarround is fully efficient). So I reported that to Sun Microsystems and the bug has been accepted. Here is the link.

So if you find it annoying and want a fast and easy marshalling in applets, if you want a faster and smaller JGraphpad CE, please vote for that bug here:
(you should create an account if you don't have one).


1 comment:

Anonymous said...
This bumped tiger an all in one little bit of all balance" and all of a sudden made the pup INTERESTED all over the Hunter,a little as though she wasn't pre